Wednesday 27 February 2013

My geek bahmistva

What ho pip pip and all that

So today is a significant event in the life of any geek. Their first Comicon. Unfortunately it is in Telford but hey ho I'm working up to London. I decided I would throw myself in at the deep end go for a cosplay nothing exciting just a vague steam punk costume (which hopefully you'll be able too see if the iPhone app works)
Any way tata for now I'll most likely post tomorrow after the trip

Comicon, The Vietnams and my up and coming 21st

What ho World (the very few of you who read this)

Look i know it's been a while since the Comicon posts. I must say I was a little underwhelmed by it but then again it looks like i may be going to the London Comicon in the Summer (fingers crossed). I will try and upload some photos in a later post but I need to ask permissions of people in them.

so topic number one done and done

Topic number two then.
Time to don my hipster hat. I have come across a spiffing group called the Vietnams. I don't know if anyone else has heard of them but they are very Mumford and sons in their sound, here are a couple of their demos for your delight and delectation.

Jimmy Boy (demo)

Expectations (demo)

If you are one of my few readers go give them a listen and a share.
anyways time to stop being one of those dirty hipsters and talk about some medieval weaponry/technology

So as you can probably guess from the 3rd topic in the title my 21st birthday is mere months away... I know I'm thinking about this far to early but you know what I'm excited so SHUT UP. Anyways I would appreciate some input from any of you guys. I have two ideas of what i would like for my 21st. I have two ideas these are a Bardiche or an E-Reader

 I hear none of you asking what a Bardiche is but you know what... too bad. if you've read this far you can put up with my rambling style for a few more lines. A Bardiche is basically a Big Russian war axe 

As some of you may know i'm a medieval reenactor and to get one of these made by a decent Armorer would most likely last about 10 years so it would be a long term present and hell its metal so I can always hang it above the fireplace or scare the shit out of burglars. so what do you guys think E-book or a big axe?

anyways Pip pip world don't forget to leave a comment if you enjoyed the ramblings of tired caffeine deprived me 

Friday 15 February 2013

Off we go

Pip pip what ho and all that
So it's an ungodly start this morning but by about 11:30 we'll be in Comicon :D

Time to get steampunked up !!

Tata for now
Here's a picture of my ugly mug (sorry)

Missed a few things because I'm an idiot

I missed out the "gun" I was taking with me so here it is I call her cecilia and it's taken me an absolute age to do

Pip pip world

Friday 11 January 2013

Hello WEMBLEY are you ready to... ahh fuck it hi again

Pip pip What ho and all that

after a LONG leave of absence I am back. so what has gone on in my life well FUCK ALL!

see you in another six months or so

toodle pip world