Monday 16 July 2012

a VERY wet weekend

Watho pip pip and all that

Well as promised another post for the blog after a very very wet weekend I have returned with the lose of a tent and some camping equipment

this was at the re-enactment event i was meant to attend this weekend it was subsequently cancelled (one wonders why) however this being a multi period event there some of the more surreal events of the weekend was seeing a group of SS Leibstandarte Adolf Hitler working alongside the second red army guards unit to push caravans and cars out the mud.

however the worst casualty and in my opinion the funniest was my Copy of Jules Verne's' Twenty Thousand Leagues under the sea

any way tata for now speak again soon

Friday 13 July 2012

Camping in the British summer

After a long hiatus of post I've decided to once again to start posting

So what have I been to I don't here you asking. Too bad I'm going to tell you and that is FUCK ALL with the lack if jobs I have had no money to anything I know exciting right!!

The one thing I have managed to go to a few medieval reenactment events which means I get to enjoy the recording breaking temperatures this some has to offer.... Oh my mistake that is the rest of Europe.

Anyway am meant to be saving my battery for the weekend so I'm going to sign off tata for now world

Saturday 25 February 2012

Nerd Porn, Chilli and Early Mornings

I Very recently downloaded the mass effect 3 Demo and was Amazed by the graphics. It is Beautiful! As shown by this picture

Its time for me to share a recipe with you blog readers (if there are any of you)

Steak and Chilli Stew

Ingredient                                                        (serves around 5 people or one student for 5 days)

400g of steak (cubed)
200g of Bacon (stripped)
2 Tins of chopped tomatoes
1 Tin of Mexican beans
2  TSB of chilli
2 TSB of garlic
1/2 an onion (diced) 
1/2 a bottle of beer

Cooking instructions
heat the pan with oil and add the chilli and garlic with a pinch of salt and pepper
add the Diced Onion, Bacon and Steak
allow to cook through then add the chopped tomatoes and beans and lager
allow to simmer for about half and hour stirring regularly to prevent burning 
serve up on its own or with bread ,rice or couscous.

Best time to eat this
this is hearty meal that I find works very well after a heavy night of drinking as a pick me up. however i have served this up to my house mates before to much appreciation.
The whole meal cost around £5 (when bought from my favourite shop LIDL) so that is around £1 a serving a thrifty and filling meal.

Early mornings

I am a keen amateur photographer and I've found the wonderful thing that is very early mornings. it allows to go out and take pictures without people getting in the way. However, this has somewhat buggered my normal sleeping pattern ive been getting up at 5/6 am to travel to the places i want to photograph and have therefore suffered the curse of going to bed at 10 pm here are some of the picture I have managed to take


Tuesday 3 January 2012

sales and fedoras

I came to the conclusion over this holiday that i need to increase my social circle as I've been pretty much on my own for 3 weeks.

however I have been donning the pixelated fedora of Cole Phelps this week and entering the seedy underbelly in 1950's LA after discovering the black and white function in the options the game has taken on a whole new almost film noire element to it.

another key element of the holidays for me has been shopping i have bought about a trillion DVD's (thank you HMV)

New Year ’s Eve is commonly a time for Bacchanalian Frivolity as long as your name is NOT Oliver Armitage this news eve I was in bed by 10:30 and asleep by 1:00 am and (mostly) sober.

anyways tata for now world more post will be incoming this month as i shall be back in Bangor